Orbit Oculoplastic and Lacrimal

Treatment > Orbit Oculoplastic and Lacrimal

Oculoplastic Eye Surgery at Drishtideep - Understanding the Disease and Treatment

Oculoplastic, commonly called ocular plastic surgery, is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that deals with the orbit, tear system, eyelids, and eyebrows. Oculoplasty is advantageous for treating eye problems and uses plastic surgery to improve the appearance of the eyes and the areas around them. If you want medical assistance, you can schedule a consultation with the ophthalmologist at

Many doctors choose to refer patients for Oculoplasty & Aesthetics procedures in our clinic. A range of eyelid problems, such as malposition, benign and malignant eyelid tumours, facial dystonia, etc., are treated at Drishtideep Eye Institute, the leading oculoplastic surgery clinic in Hooghly.

Surgical correction is also used for congenital lid defects such as lid coloboma, blepharophimosis, epiblepharon, and euryblepharon. Ptosis, entropion, ectropion, post-traumatic lid tear/canalicular tear, eyelid reconstructions following tumour excision, and various cosmetic eyelid procedures are all surgically corrected at our oculoplasty clinic.

An Overview About Lacrimal Apparatus Treatment

Lacrimal glands are those that produce tears, and they are found above each eye. Each time you blink (close your eyelids), they continuously supply tear fluid to your eye’s surface, further drained by Nasolacrimal apparatus in the nasal cavity. Inflammation or swelling of the lacrimal gland and Nasolacrimal apparatus is a typical issue. If you come across any symptoms, it is best to undergo the required treatment.

Being the leading lacrimal surgery clinic in Hooghly, Drishtideep Eye Institute conducts the surgery after proper examination and consultation.

When to visit oculoplastic Clinic at Drishtideep

If you are facing any of the below-mentioned symptoms, then it is best to visit oculoplasty clinic in Hooghly –

  • If you are blinking your eyes more than required
  • If your eyelids are hanging downwards (ptosis)
  • If your eyes are twitching
  • If there are wrinkles, scars, or folds around your eyes.
  • If your eyes are bulging out
  • If an eye is absent
  • If swelling is observed on inner corners of eyes
  • If there is excessive watering from eyes

Surgeries undertaken at our Oculoplasty Clinic

Eyelid Surgery

Children with drooping eyes known as congenital ptosis need to undergo ptosis correction surgery. Adult eyelids may have various deformities like eyelid bags, puffy eyelids, drooping eyelids, and others like traumatic deformity. All of the mentioned need surgical intervention for cosmetic and visual rehabilitation.

Orbital Surgery

The term "orbit" refers to the bony socket that houses the eyeball and the extraocular muscles. Orbital surgery includes procedures to remove tumours behind the eye but within the orbit and repair the trauma to the bony orbit. Given the limited access, orbital surgeons need to be more aware of the orbital anatomy and surgical spaces. The oculoplastic surgeon also performs orbital decompression procedures for disorders such as thyroid orbitopathy.

Facial Aesthetics

Facial Aesthetics is one type of surgery performed to accentuate the beauty of the face and is referred to as aesthetic surgery. In this location, facial rejuvenation procedures are carried out with a focus on minimally invasive procedures and ensuring that the outcomes seem as natural as possible. Naturally, procedures are adapted to the demands of the patient to ensure the greatest benefits! Lid-lifts are performed to treat ageing, sagging eyelids, and excess skin hooding on the upper lids. Lower lid blepharoplasty is performed to treat bags under the eyes and fat prolapse.

Lacrimal Surgery

The lacrimal gland secretes tears that make the eye's surface wet, and the "ducts" or tubes, which carry tears from the eye into the nose, make up most of the lacrimal system. Watering or excessive tears, which may flow down the face, and mucous discharge are typical signs of lacrimal system issues. Do visit the lacrimal surgery clinic in Hooghly for more information.

The oculoplastic treatment offered by the oculoplasty clinic are minimally invasive surgical procedures for periocular rejuvenation after thoroughly evaluating cosmetic issues around the eyes. We at Drishtideep Eye Institute take the highest level of care to offer a professional and discreet evaluation with a unique treatment plan to achieve a natural cosmetic result.

Visit Drishtideep Eye Hospital now

Patients who face paediatric and adult illnesses affecting the eyelids, tear ducts, and orbit are diagnosed and treated at the Drishtideep Eye Institute The oculoplastic eye surgery in Hooghly at Drishtideep Eye Hospital is done with complete care ensuring you the best result and clear vision for a long life.

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